Democrats are the Party of Diversity…maybe not all of them!

Bailey's Beach Club

Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse  admitted to belonging to a sailing club and a beach club which lacks “Diversity”. Imagine that, a member of the party that stands with the oppressed against the evil racist Republicans. I wonder how many lamestream news outlets are going to cover the story. Bailey’s Beach Club is described by Newsweek magazine in June 2021 as an “elite all-white beach club.”

A quote from the Senator on Fox News’ website states “There have been calls for me to resign from the club, which I understand.  However, I have no membership to resign, nor will I ask my wife or any other family members to do so.” Sooooo, he is not a member but his wife and an unknown number of family members are. WOW, such a Democratic response. He did state that he intends to address the issue with the club, wait if you are not a member I am guessing you have do not get a “Vote” on what happens there.

It just amazes me that people still just do not understand that the liberal left in power are the ones creating all these divisive problems. Could you imagine the response if it had been a Republican Senator, peoples heads would be exploding with outrage. Lamestream media would probably spend 90% of their storytelling on this outrageous and obvious racist Senator.

Let me check out CNN’s website and see if there is anything on……nope. As of 5:37pm (PT) nothing I saw on the home page, hell the big story was about Brittney Spears wanting her life back or something. Also a story about gender neutral clothes being the next “big thing” was near the top. Not surprised one bit by it, and people wonder why CNN’s rating are dropping faster then blue ice from an airplane (heard the blue ice thing somewhere a long time ago). Wonder how long till they bring up Trump place Mar-a-Lago.

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