Environmental racism according to CNN

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According to a CNN article published July 9th, which was at the time of writing this, at the top of CNN’s home page, is that black community members in the county of Northampton, NC are suffering due to biomass producer Enviva. The company started operations in NC in 2013 and has been producing wood pellets since. The impact of the plant being in operation has apparently led to an increase in health, mainly respiratory problems.

Screenshot of CNN headline

CNN leans hard on the fact that this county which has a majority black population frames the narrative to indicate racism….of course. What have the racist Republicans done this time. Well, nothing, you see the county is only one of two counties in North Carolina that are considered “blue counties”. That is right this county has historically voted Democrat for over the last 100 years. Currently the Congressional Representative is George Kenneth Butterfield Jr., Democrat for the 1st NC Congressional District. The current county council is entirely made up of Democrats and guess what, they are black. This little bit of information was conveniently left out of CNN’s story. The only mention of any big politicians was of course was…..you guessed it, President Trump. Now they do say the Biden Administration in the same paragraph but do not reference directly Joe Biden like they did Donald Trump. How typical of the Communist News Network.

Let’s not forget that the county commission was filled exclusively by Democrats as it currently is when Enviva moved in. Also why has Governor Roy Cooper (D) not stepped in and done something. So if this really is “Environmental Racism” would it not be the Democrats that are the racists????? hmmmmm, no wonder they left all mention of Democrats being part the problem. Have to wonder if the biomass industry donated money to the current NC administration and how much. In the end it appears that the only people suffering as is the norm in areas controlled by Liberal Democrats are the hard working people.

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