Our fearless leader goes on vacation while Afghanistan is collapsing.


The terrorist organization AKA Taliban is making great strides in reclaiming territory lost after the 2001 US led invasion. With the sudden withdrawal of US troops the Taliban is retaking city after city and nothing is stopping them. President Biden has decided to go on vacation while this happens.

Even as the US Embassy in Kabul is evacuating people and destroying sensitive documents President Biden has decided this would be the best time to go on vacation. The Taliban are in control of roughly 75% of the country right now and they continue to gain control hourly. Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby says they do not have a “crystal ball” to know if the Afghan govt. can sustain itself and fend off the advance of the Taliban. Ummmm, you do not need a friggin crystal ball to see what is happening and what is certainly going to be the inevitable outcome of current Afghan govt.

What is going to happen is the Afghan govt is goin to collapse, those who have not escaped will be executed and the country will return to enslaving the woman and children again. Public executions in soccer stadiums will become the norm again. All this happening while our fearless leader Biden goes on vacation. He would not even take questions before his departure. Just shows he is an absentee leader with no real plan on how to do, well anything.

The Taliban are going to emerge even stronger with better weapons and equipment. All the military hardware we left behind will now be used by the Taliban against the Afghan people. The real kicker here is that Russia and China are already talking about recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate govt once they seize control back from the current Afghan govt.

This is an absolute shitshow. I wonder how many veterans like myself are wondering why did we even bother. If the US govt is just going to pack and leave what was the point? I have to tell myself that I helped make it a little better for people for the time that I was there. At least the people lived in relative peace for a time. It’s my opinion that the Afghan nation will never be able to live in peace, there are to many tribal rivalries and they way of thinking over there does not provide a good path to self government and peace. Sadly it will be the regular people who are going to continue to suffer for the foreseeable future.

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