U.S. Army training for Guerilla Warfare in NC.

Soldiers conduct Robin Sage EX

U.S. Army training for Guerilla Warfare in North Carolina. News reports are circulating about the Army’s Guerilla Warfare training in North Carolina framing it as prep for Civil War.

Why am I not surprised that some people are freaking out about news reports of the U.S. Army training for Guerilla Warfare in NC.. The way the reports are being shown one might think the military is coming for you. People on Twitter and other social media platforms are of course think the military is training to come for you.

Robin Sage

U.S. Army training for Guerilla Warfare in NC.
Pineland Flag

Robin Sage is the culmination exercise for Special Forces candidates to earn the coveted Green Beret. This is nothing new. It has been going on for decades now. Candidates fight in the fictional country of Pineland. ALL SF(Special Forces) candidates goes through this exercise to put the skills they learned throughout their 1+ years of training. This is nothing new, it has been going on for decades. For some reason the way the press is framing it people might think it is something more sinister. If people would take 30 seconds to educate themselves about it they would see what these “scary” news reports really are.

News organizations in for the money


I really think the media is trying to still up panic and fear which will led to more unrest and distrust. News organizations really need to get off their asses and just report the news, that’s it, nothing more. Understanding that “News Organizations” MAIN GOAL is to make MONEY. So it really does not surprise me when this kind of bullshit comes out. They want people to read the story and hopefully click on one of those adds that companies pay money to have placed in the story. Long gone is the idea of just reporting the news, sadly it really is just all about the money. People need to do SOME research on their own and not just trust what the media is telling you. Look, I am guilty of going off half-cocked before I know all the facts. So inflammatory headlines do work. Over the past few years I have read headlines that make my blood boil but now I do a few minutes of research to see what is really going on. A lot of times it is just what I said, a blown up headline to get you to click on the article. Yes, they got you hook, line and sinker.

In short U.S. Army training for Guerilla Warfare in NC has nothing to do with this new “Domestic Terror Unit” being formed. I can see how this new unit would be disturbing but please people just do a little research. Don’t let the media cause you more stress than most of us already have.

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