Covid emergency or not

Covid, public health emergency or not?

Is it a Covid emergency or not? This is about the 3or 4th time the Biden Administration has declared a Covid public health emergency then stated it was over.

The latest is that the Covid public health emergency will be over May 11th. So on May 10th the science says it’s still an emergency but the following day it’s not. President Biden stated in Sep of 2022 that the “pandemic is over” but kept the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in effect. Hospitals receive a 20% increase to treat Medicare patients. I am sure the hospitals are putting that money to good use <sarcasm>, some are I have not doubt but based on my family’s experience a lot are not. We all saw how much false reporting of actual patients having Covid or deaths related to it.

Where is the money going?

Joe Biden with hands in air
Joe Biden

I still wonder how it can be a public health emergency with all the funding that goes with it. Is it to keep money flowing to appease the left’s social issues. We all know “Covid” funding went to many other things other than Covid issues. Not to mention the rampant fraud that went along with it. Not to mention the Covid increase to unemployment. If you were unemployed you got your regular unemployment plus a Covid increase. So many people were making more on unemployment than if they went back to work.

I think it’s going to be an ongoing circus and this administration is going to flip flop just to cater to it’s base. Don’t be surprised if you see the Covid public health emergency come into affect then disappear, then reappear again…so on.

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