College Protests getting out of hand

Pro Hamas College protest

We have all seen the college protests getting out of hand. Chanting for Hamas and the Palestinians, I am not sure they even know what they are protesting. Protesting is fine; however, when you infringe on other students’ right to go to class without fear of violence, you have crossed the line.

College campuses across the country are seeing a rise in pro Hamas protests by students supporting the Palestinians in the war with Israel. What is really sad is that I bet most do not even know the history of what is happening or why. It’s convenient that they forget what the Palestinian elected Hamas terrorists did on Oct 7. The really sad part is the videos circulating that some students do not even know why they are protesting; THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY THEY ARE PROTESTING. WTAF is going on with kids these days. Are they that clueless?

What even brought all these kids out to protest? How did Hamas get so much support from American college students? Are these kids that have no direction and just want to feel apart of something without fully understanding it? I am sure that there is a disinformation campaign being played out by a foreign state-sponsored actor, which inflames the situation. Of course, the usual suspects would be Russia, China, Iran, and let’s not forget North Korea (have to mention them, or they get whiny for not being on the world stage.)

Pro Palestinian protester that does not know why she is protesting

What kills me is that colleges allow these type of protests. What happened to creating a safe space for EVERYONE!?!?!?! I guess if you are Jewish, then having a safe space does not apply to you. Colleges have actually shut down and made classes remote, canceled graduations, etc. Some colleges are not putting up with the violent rhetoric being spewed by these terrorist sympathizers.

Only after more donors pull their money will you see all the colleges crack down on pro Hamas protests and these supporters of terror. I guess the colleges are going to let the lunatics run the asylum for a while if they have not been already. One of the latest rumors is that shitbag liberal funding George Soros is funding a lot of these protests. Will be interesting to see if that pans out, which would not surprise me.

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