Dictator Newsom at it again….more money ahead of recall election, including money to….guess who?

CA Governor Gavin Newsom

Dictator Newsom signed a budget deal worth $100 million dollars on July 12th. Stimulus checks will be sent out to lower income families and should arrive in the September timeframe. It’s estimated that 2 out of 3 residents of California will receive the latest check from the state.

Californians will receive $600 and and additional families with children will get an additional $500, this includes illegal immigrants, yup you read that correctly. One thing that struck me is that 2 of 3 residents will qualify for this. That’s right, 2 of 3 people in CA. What does that say about the state of affairs in CA. Are there really that many people needing assistance? If so, the State of California has really failed the people of their state and epically mismanaged money . So, roughly 13.2 million people will be flipping the bill for the other 26.5 million people. To me that is mind boggling. Or another way to look at it, everyone who is receiving a check is basically getting their own tax dollars back, except of course the illegal immigrants who do not pay state income taxes. So all Californians will pay for over 2 million people who are not even U.S. Citizens.

What really amazes me….well not really is the money going to illegal immigrants as well. Democrats yet again taking care of people who are not U.S. citizens. Another mind blower is that people in CA have no problem with this at all. Year after year these far left leaning Democrats keep passing out money to anyone & everyone, election after election and they get voted back in. Once prices….for just about anything become more insane than they already are, people will really start escaping California and all that will be left is the liberals. I would really like to see every conservative leave California, leave it full of liberal Democrats and see how long all the free money being passed around to illegal immigrants lasts or hell wasted on ridiculous projects like a high speed train which has cost American taxpayers billions, that’s right federal money has been pumped into this disaster of a project.. I bet the party would not last very long.

I want to make one thing clear about views on immigrants. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants who come to this country the right way and make themselves part of this great nation and embrace the American dream and want to make America better as an American first and foremost. Illegal immigration is a real slap in the face to all the immigrants that have come here, still coming here and in the process of becoming citizens the right way. I also believe you should learn English as it is the language we speak, or at the very least attempt to speak the language. Immigrate to any other country in the world and you are expected to speak the language. Again, to all who have come over the many years I welcome you to America with open arms and wish you the best at pursuing the American Dream.

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