Why the brick wall look

Why a brick wall

Why the brick wall look? Well, I like the look of a brick wall. It goes nicely on homes, inside and out. Such a warm feeling and great insulation if you happen to live in areas that get cold. There is of course another reason. Brick wall is what it feels like when talking with Liberals.

What would that other reason be??? When I try to converse with let’s say…..people that are the oh I don’t know….liberals, it like talking to a brick wall. I think everyone has experienced it at some point. No matter what FACTS you present they will never believe it. It can be carved in stone and it will matter not. To be fair Conservatives can be the same way. However, I do see Conservatives are more willing to compromise and listen, listen being the key word.

Liberals seem to let their emotions control how they think and act. Conservatives want facts and take emotion (for the most part) out of the equation, mind you this what I think. There was an interesting article about Conservatives vs Liberals from Insider, take a gander at take it for what it is. Again, I just found it interesting.

The tactic of Liberals is to basically scream and shout not letting you get a word in edge wise. You see it on the news, mainly in the Liberal media who really want to control what you think. Look at protests on just about any issue. Without fail you will see a bunch of Liberals loosing their minds. If there happens to be a counter protest with an opposing view to liberals, they (non Liberals) may try to have a meaning discussion but a meaningful discussion usually does not happen. Again, the tactic of yelling and screaming from the Liberals.

Look at how many Conservatives had to cancel speaking engagements, book signings etc because of screaming Liberals who do not want anyone to speak up against views Liberals have and sometimes it can turn violent. They only like free speech if it’s something they agree with.

It would be nice if we as a country with opposing views could have actual MEANINGFUL discussions. Of course I do not see that happening since the divide and hatred for one another continues to grow. Tolerance seems to be something in the distant past. If we continue down this road absolutely nothing good will come from it.

So now you know why the brick wall look because a Brick wall is what it feels like when talking with Liberals and some Conservatives. Mainly Liberals though. 😉

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