Teacher refuses to deceive parents, looses job

Screenshot from Fox News interview with Hannah Grossman

Teacher refuses to deceive parents, looses job for refusing to comply with the practice of deceiving parents about their children when it comes to gender transitions/identity. Below is a link to the article, video interview. Once again Gov. Newsom is letting California lead the way in destroying the educational system along with a lot of other things. I am just going to let you hear it in her own words.

Fox News Digital interview with Jessica Tapias

What is America becoming

What is this country coming to. Far left Democrats and liberals seem hell bent on turning this great country into a cauldron of hate, divisiveness and intolerance. They are chipping away bit by bit and they are succeeding. We are a shadow of what our country was 30yrs ago, where being patriotic was just that, being patriotic. Morals are out the window. Common decency is gone. Spirited debate is gone. Being able to reasonably disagree is gone.

We are headed in a direction where this country will implode. I think right now we are at a boiling point. I certainly do not want to be around when it explodes. Violence is on the rise, inflation is up, attitudes are total shit.

We as a country better reel it in before this happens. If we cannot come to some sort of common understanding we are doomed to destroy ourselves.

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