Irrelevant Reporter, CNN’s Brian Stelter shames Sir Richard Branson’s historic space flight. Tries to tie it to climate change

CNN Reporter Brian Stelter

Here we go again with CNN and more specifically rating starved reporter Brian Stelter. Stelter thought it was immoral to go into space, you know because of the “climate crisis”. Fox News reported on the CNN segment. Really we shouldn’t go to space because of climate crisis??? This guy has no brain. Guess he is looking for some publicity to get people to watch his show.

Shelter is quoted as saying “Is it moral, is it ethical to be launching rockets and flying off to space and spending all this money and burning all this fuel in an age of climate crisis?”. He posed this question to Miles O’Brien, CNN’s aerospace analyst. Mr. O’Brien did not agree with Shelter as he pointed out that “Well, I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive, Brian, I think we can afford to continue to push our frontier, but we still have to fix our own spaceship here first and concurrently.” Wow someone who works at CNN that has a somewhat rational thought.

I wonder if Stelter is going to compare anything and everything to climate change. Maybe he is upset that more people watched the Virgin Galactic launch than his show. This guy along with many others are the reason CNN ratings are in a free fall. Now that Trump is out of office they do not have much to say at CNN. Of course they use every opportunity to drag Trump back in the headlines. Especially if there is even the slightest chance Trump may be facing charges or hell, even if someone he know is trouble. You can count on CNN to have a headline like “Close personal friend of Donald Trump under investigation for…..” You get the idea.

I guess CNN will just continue going downhill till they are no more. It’s a wonder that they are still on the air. They once used to be rather fair in their reporting but have succumbed to the left and do not even deny it. Guess it all started in 2008 when Obama was elected, it was a wet dream for CNN. As soon as Trump won the election and their other wet dream candidate Hillary Clinton lost, the trashing of Donald Trump started and did not stop. I cannot think of one positive story then ran about then President Trump. I bet the head scratching continues as to why they have lost millions of viewers and grasp at straws to remain a relevant new organization.

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