Well the latest in the faux outrage from Democrats is that the entire Democratic side of the Texas House of Representatives has fled the state via private jet to Washington DC in hopes of push through federal voting laws namely the For The People Act that will “help the people” and make it easier to vote.

The fleeing Democrats arrived in Washington DC Monday evening. It is funny how some news organizations are making this out to be like there are going to war or something. NBC reported on their website that “Many of the Democrats who fled have families, medical issues or child care obligations, making the three-week venture more difficult.” Ya, my heart is bleeding right now for them. They could, and here is an idea…..stick around in TX and actually do the job that people voted them in office to do, not scurry away like a bunch of children who do not want to play anymore because the game is not going their way. The selfies they took really do not show the distress of fleeing their families, medical issues and children. They look proud to be on the plane, might be the first time they have flown on a private jet, who knows.

Of course the Democrats could not take a regular flight, they had 2, that’s right 2 chartered private jets. Well I wonder who paid for that. If TX taxpayers flipped the bill I can imagine the people of TX are not going to be to happy. Also, who is paying for their stay in DC, which by the way is very expensive. I have to say, these people are cowards. They run away at the first sign that things are not going their way. I wonder when they were cruising down the runway making their escape, was Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins playing in their heads or maybe the Indiana Jones theme.
TX Governor Abbott has stated that these fleeing Democrats face arrest when they step foot on TX soil. Also he stated he would keep the special session going indefinitely if he had to for the bill to be voted on. It is really sad that in this day and age lawmakers cannot even have civil discussions on issue. Now they have to act like children and run away.