Battle with COVID vaccines could disrupt Republican chances in 2022

The battle with COVID vaccines could disrupt Republican chances in 2022 mid-term elections. There are 3 groups of right leaning people in the COVID vaccine debate. You have people on the right who are dead set against the vaccine. Others are 100% for it. Then you have a group that does not care either way about it. So do you get it or not.

No vaccine for me.

No vaccine
No COVID vaccines for me.

There are 3 groups of people that need to be appeased if a takeover of the House and Senate is going to happen. One group is the anti vaxxers as they have become known as. This group wants nothing to do with the COVID vaccine at all. On social media you can read how people will turn on a vaccinated politician or if they express the idea that vaccine is good. This angers many leading to them being called traitors, sellouts etc. Hard nosed anti vaxxers have no wiggle room in their belief. On Twitter, a few people I follow have posted that if you have received the vaccine “Unfollow me”. This staunch belief may cost Republicans some votes in 2022. This group will not change their minds and vilify anyone who promotes or gets the vaccine.

Vaccine Saves Lives
Awe, go ahead and get the shot.

Vaccine for me.

On the flip side you have those whose fully support getting the vaccine. This group of people is a little less hard core in their beliefs. They really support the vaccine and think people should get it. Hearing politicians push the vaccine they think, well if they got maybe everyone should. This group believes the vaccine works and is hesitant to condemn those who do not agree with them. Getting the vaccine is mostly out of fear. Fear for their children, fear of not being able to go in public as the rumors of “travel” documents may be required. New York City has already stated that you need the vaccine to dine in restaurants and go into a lot of places. This fear will drive people on the fence to get the vaccine.

I don’t care, I will make up my own mind.

Then there is the group that does not care either way. Some have received the shot, others have not. Personal choice is what they think. You want it, go ahead. You don’t, that is alright too. Either way you can come over for dinner if you want. This group is stuck in the middle and tends to keep their heads down. They do not publicize if they received the vaccine or not. Neutral is the word of the day for them. In this group you have some that want more research done before receiving the vaccine. Misinformation is flooding social media platforms, it’s difficult to sift through all the non sense.

2022 mid-term elections

Th battle with COVID vaccines could disrupt Republican chances in 2022 for sure. Already people are starting to turn against some Republicans that have come out as pro COVID vaccination. Rep Dan Crenshaw from TX is one of them. Not long after he stated he is pro vaccine and to be fair, stated the election was not stolen as well. Hard core anti vaxxers started calling him a RINO (Republican in Name Only). Many anti vaxxers felt very betrayed when former President Trump said that people should get the vaccine. This is the group of people that could cause the most damage to Republican chances in 2022. If the far right starts eating its own like the left does, it will not be a good day come election time.

I think when it comes to the COVID vaccine people should make up their own minds. It is no ones business if you do or do not get it. With employers/schools etc starting to require it, the decision is going to be a tough one for those in the middle.

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