Escape from California.

Bye CA

Well I made my escape from California. Finally after 3 years of living in the liberal state I made the move to Arizona. After only 1 week I can already see a huge difference in culture, cost of living and much cleaner air and water. I am escaping the liberal hypocritical state of CA and it’s communist leaders.

The Move

After a move that was probably the worst I have ever experienced, I made it to AZ. I had to supervise the loading of the moving truck while my wife waited in AZ for the truck to arrive the next day. First I want to say, the movers (2 dudes) themselves were great. I did not see them take a break and I was giving them drinks and anything they wanted.

It took 7 hours to load the truck. I did no think we had that much crap, guess we did. Then the truck was full and we still had stuff left over. The movers were also worried about the truck being overweight. Needless to say I started stressing out really bad. Fortunately my Father-in-Law’s place was a 5 second walk and I could store the extra stuff in his garage for a little bit till we could come back and get it.

The movers left and headed out to the scales to weigh the truck. That was the longest 30 minutes that I can remember. Finally they let me know the weight was good by 1000lbs. Which seems like a lot but when moving it really isn’t. So I got to cleaning and planned on staying on an air mattress so I could finish cleaning first thing in the morning as it was past 11pm.

My in laws insisted I stay at their place on a comfy bed, so I did. My mother in law said she already had the covers turned down for me. Being the smartass that I am I asked if there was a mint on the pillow too. I was so very grateful for their help.

Moving in.

The movers arrived in AZ 3hrs past their expected time. So now my wife gets to handle the unloading while I am cleaning up the old place getting ready for a walk through with the landlord. The place we moved to had a freight elevator so thankfully no stairs for the movers, except it was at the opposite end of the complex from our place. They finally arrived and my wife handled the move in. Well it took 7 1/2 hrs to unload. She even started helping from the beginning. She was unwrapping the furniture. As this was taking place, I did the walk through with the landlord. At this point I was beyond tired and hurting.

Finally at 2pm I started the 7+ hour drive to AZ. In retrospect I probably should have stayed at my in laws to rest and recover because I was so exhausted. However I am a little stubborn and decided to drive that day anyways. It was pure agony as my legs hurt with shooting pain down my back and legs. Ankles hurt as well. Pretty sure by blood pressure was way up. I just wanted to get to AZ and be done.

I finally arrived around 10pm, and the movers were still working. My wife was stressed out at that point. Again the movers were very nice and worked hard, wife fed them and provided anything they needed. All said and done, the move cost us several hundred dollars more as 5hrs of moving is included on each end and we went over by almost 6hrs. You can imagine the cost. We were both so tired that we did not care at that point. In my head I was thinking, this is CA giving me one last FU since I left the communist state.


Right away I could see the difference from CA. The air quality was so much cleaner. Prices of goods were much lower. Gas prices were more than a dollar per gallon cheaper! I now have mountain views!!! The only downside I have noticed so far is that we do not have a few of the stores we like to shop at and it’s a college town so it can be a little trafficy. Sometimes it can get a little noisy on the weekend nights, but that was to be expected and not a huge deal.

I like the fact that in AZ I can buy cheaper gas, cost of living is much lower. I will not miss all the homeless sleeping on the path where I would walk the dog. Do not have to see them urinating on bushes or sides of buildings. I would see aluminum foil with burn marks from smoking crack, meth or whatever.

Also crime, I would see clothing tags, shoe boxes, clothes hangers along the path from where people would steal merchandise from the stores across the street. If you recall, you will not be charged if it’s less than $950. Maybe I should have stayed and just stolen from places, up to $950 at a time and sell the stuff on eBay or Facebook.

Arizona’s 2nd amendment stance is great. I can buy 10 Ar-15s if I wanted to, not that I will. Well, probably one and it not limited to 10rd magazines or that ridiculous fin on the pistol grip. I can carry a concealed pistol if I like, not that I would all the time but I have that option now. In CA you pretty much need to be rich, a celebrity or know someone in government to carry a concealed weapon.


I am glad I was able to escape from California and its draconian rule of Gov. Newsom and the communist liberals that continue to fail the people of CA and are set to impose their will now that Gov Newsom has not been recalled.

Time to settle in

Now that we are here it’s time to get unpacked and start exploring everything Northern AZ has to offer. I cannot wait to start hiking again and start camping. It is so nice to see stars in the sky again. Let this new adventure begin!

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