Why is the left so afraid of Trump

President Donald Trump

Why is the left so afraid of Trump? When you check the news or look at social media like Twitter all you see is glee at the prospect of Trump getting indicted. You will also see how Democrats call his MAGA base, racist, white supremacists, bigots and generally deplorable people.

Trump news stories


If you look at the news, you will find at least a few stories of how Trump is about to be indicted or someone is coming for him. Here we are 2yrs since he left office and Democrats and Liberals just cannot let go. I guess if you have any type story about Trump it gets those clicks and advertising dollars rolling in. There are some in the media that obsessed with Trump, take for instance MSNBC’s Joy Reid, she rages against Trump anytime she can. Attacks his supporters as white supremacists. Which in turn fires up social media platforms.

Trump obsessed Tweeters

There are about a dozen or so Liberals that have something negative to say about Trump several times a day. It really borders on being obsessed with Trump. The usual tweets are about “when is the DOJ going to finally indict Trump”, “When Donald Trump is finally ARRESTED, will you: 1) Protest 2) PARTY in the streets” Then there is the Hollywood Elite. One in particular, I guess since he is not acting anymore he dedicates his time to Tweeting hatred towards Trump. Most of you know who I am talking about, Rob Reiner. His obsession is really disturbing. I have never seen anyone obsess over someone so much. In other circles he would be described as a stalker.

Trump’s supporters vilified

Even before Trump was elected, Hillary Clinton described those who supported Trump as “Deplorables” Of course this just led to his supporters making their voices heard even louder. An article from 2019 in The Hill points this type of behavior. It has only gotten worse since then.

Why this behavior?

President Trump

Why is this type of behavior going on? I would venture a guess it has to do with the fact the an outsider came in and beat who everyone thought was unbeatable in the 2016 Presidential Elections. It had to be the biggest political upset in history. Look at how Trump was treated all the way through the election and his term in office. Democrats and Liberals stopped at nothing to discredit him, falsify stories not to mention the impeachments. Even 2 years later they are still after him without any outlook of letting up. I think that they were so upset that an outsider would come into their arena without holding any other political office and shellack the leading nominee. Not to mention being rather wealthy to begin with made him less susceptible to accepting money for favors. Also, the way he spoke was not what politically correct by any means. I think that is part of the reason people voted him into office. He wasn’t a politician and felt that is what America needed.

Maybe someday hopefully soon Democrats and Liberals will move on as there are real issues the country needs to focus on. This blaming Trump for just about every problem we have not is absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention undoing everything he had done, then redoing it then taking credit for it.

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