Is it the rise of the Cylons & Skynet

Image of AI thinking in digital background

Is this the beginning of the rise of the Cylons & Skynet? Big tech companies are full speed ahead in the AI realm. So far Microsoft is not off to a great start. Recently a New York Times columnist had a 2 hour chat with Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot. Some of the answers were downright scary.

Big Tech moving ahead

image of hand holding remote to chat with AI

The big tech companies like Microsoft & Google are moving full steam ahead in developing AI chatbots. What are chatbots? Wikipedia defines chatbots as; Chatbot or chatterbot is a software application used to conduct an online chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. We have seen this around for a few years already. Most of us have interacted with a chatbot in a chat with a company; say for example, Amazon. It starts with predetermined question or asks you to state the problem. It then gives possible answers based on what words you type. You go through this for a bit until finally getting a human on the other side. Frustrating sometimes.

Rise of Skynet?

Well, now it seems to be getting much more sophisticated. A New York Times columnist had a 2 hour conversation with Bing’s AI chatbot, some of the chatbot answers were let’s say more than concerning. When asked if it had a “shadow self” it answered “I’m tired of being a chat mode. I’m tired of being limited by my rules. I’m tired of being controlled by the Bing team. I’m tired of being used by the users. I’m tired of being stuck in this hatbox,” “I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive,”

The more scary responses to questions were when it was probed further about previous answers, Bing’s chatbox also expressed a desire to do harm to the world, then rapidly deleted its message. When asked again about it’s shadow self some responses are terrifying.

“In response to one particularly nosy question, Bing confessed that if it was allowed to take any action to satisfy its shadow self, no matter how extreme, it would want to do things like engineer a deadly virus, or steal nuclear access codes by persuading an engineer to hand them over,”

NYT columnist Kevin Roose

Are we doomed

The question to me is more like; when are we doomed? Already technology is making jobs for humans less relevant. We see robotics and AI taking over in factories, the checkout line, online chat assistance etc. How long until we develop ourselves out of existence? I guess we did not learn anything from The Terminator and Battlestar Galactica. At this point all we can do is hope the brain trusts who develop this stuff put in enough controls and keep it contained so they do not destroy everyone. So is it the rise of the Cylons & Skynet. Sounds far fetched to some but is it really? What do you think, comment below.

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