Is America doomed?

Is this the end

Is America doomed? Has this country reached a point where it has its head so far up its own ass that we are destined to destroy ourselves or can we bring it back? With all the bullshit we are facing today such as high inflation, record prices for basic consumer goods, and a country so divided on social issues can we bring it back together. Sadly I do not think so. We are headed down a path to our own destruction.

Military readiness

While our enemies prepare for war (not saying we are going to war anytime soon), we have our military in the classroom being subjected to death by PowerPoint about being inclusive and climate change. Look at the numbers, the numbers for the military across all services are down. Seasoned combat veterans are leaving and retiring early to escape the nonsense they are being subjected to. Democrats have effectively destroyed our country’s combat effectiveness.


Everyone has seen the rising prices of…..well everything. Gas prices are roughly $2 a gallon more since Biden took office. The Inflation Reduction Act does NOTHING to reduce inflation at all, President Biden finally admitted this. It is one big climate change bill. Not a single person in the Biden Administration could name one thing this Act did to reduce inflation. Inflation is still at record levels and Americans are feeling the pinch. Look at interest rates, currently hovering around 7.5%. People who managed to buy homes shortly before the rates took off are now underwater (so to speak). My wife and I purchased a home late last year, and our house is down roughly $100K. So if we needed to or wanted to sell that is how much money we would lose. You have been to the grocery store and seen the cost everything is through the roof.


The news on a daily basis talks about crime in major cities. The defund the police movement has caused these progressive politicians to enact policies that favor criminals. How many times have you seen a criminal get out on little or no bail only to commit a more heinous act such as murder etc? All too often this occurs, and you guessed it, all in cities run by Democrats. Look at all these “flash mobs” that flood a store and make off with 10s of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. In CA you see videos of people stealing without a care in the world since they know if anyone actually tries to stop them or have the police take them away, they will be out in a few hours to just go back to stealing, sometimes less than an hour from release. I have to throw this out there, California is a cesspool of crime and poverty that progressives like Gov Newsom have let happen. All talk and no action.

Can it be undone?

I do not know if we can pull back all the damage Democrats have done, I do want to believe we can, but I am not hopeful. When you have the major news outlets pushing Democratic policies/ideals etc it will be near impossible. I will not even get into the media bias that is so obvious it’s sickening. That’s for another day. Democrats have created a shit show with all the social justice issues no wonder the children of today have their heads spinning not knowing which way is up. The kids today are going to be running this country in the next few decades and it scares the shit out of me. We have never been closer to the “Thought Police” than we are right now. The scary part is that I have not even touched on all the major issues we face today.

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