Dairy Free Cheddar Slices

TD Cheddar Slices

So recently I had the excuse to try some dairy free cheddar slices from Trader Joes. Thought I might have developed diverticulitis…again (story for another time). So my Dr. said to stay away from dairy for 10 days. Well, being the cheese lover that I am, I was going to try Dairy Free cheese. So I ventured out to Trader Joe’s to get some cheddar cheese. I was looking for shredded instead of slices but slices was the only thing available, so I got a pack.

I have had veggie burgers and hotdogs before. Not the same as the real thing of course but palatable. So I went into this with a very open mind and wanting it to be good. I did not expect it to taste exactly like the real thing. So I get home open the package as I had started making my tacos for dinner. Open the package and took a wiff……the only way I can describe it for me was fresh paint, that’s right fresh paint. I mention this to my wife and ask her to smell it and she states “Oh Hell No!!!!”. Still wanting this to work I break off about a quarter of the slice and just toss it in my mouth and start chewing away. Ummmmm, I am not sure what the expression on my face was but my wife just started laughing. I chewed and chewed and the taste just got worse. Combined with the fresh paint smell it was agony. The only way I can describe it……cardboard covered in shit (not that I have ever tried shit but this is what I imagined it would taste like). Yes, it tasted that bad. So right into the trash the unfinished package went.

So I ate my tacos without cheese and it was not so bad. At least it washed away the taste of the cheese. I did brush my teeth and use mouthwash after dinner for a final cleanse. At least I gave it a shot as I really am trying to open my mind and try new things. I am considered boring when it comes to food. A friend of mine stated that when I ordered a cheesesteak with no mushrooms, onions or peppers that I was no fun. The waiter even stated it when he was serving our meals, “Here is your cheesesteak with no fun”. I laughed of course. Oh well I will keep trying new things so I am more “fun” at restaurants.

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