Democrats do nothing again about hate speech when it’s one of their own.

Rep Omar overlaid with Terror Flags

We have seen Democrats especially Speaker Pelosi take action against controversial members of congress such as censure, remove them from committees, publicly condemned them or try to have expelled from Congress……Oh wait, that is only what they have tried or have done for Republican Members of Congress. It does not seem to apply when it is a member of their own party such as Rep IIhan Omar (D-MN)

Rep. Omar has made so many statements that are considered Anti Semitic I just can’t imagine what is going through the Democratic leadership that they do not do something about it. Where are the calls to have her expelled or remove her from committee assignments…..(crickets). Not a peep from Speaker Pelosi. Very few Democrats actually have spoken up, like when she compared the U.S and Israel to the terror organizations Hamas and the Taliban. I guess the comment I am most concerned with is “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,”  Some people did something?!?!?! Some people???? She could not even use the word TERRORISTS? Right there she should have been removed from Congress for that statement alone, in my opinion.

She loves to spout her anti Israel, anti U.S. rhetoric with no one from her own party to challenge her. She just continues to spout this crap and gets the headlines which is part of the reason I think she does it. She wants to remain relevant. I wonder why she even came to this country and then ran for Congress. If she despises the U.S. why is she here? You know, the country let her become a citizen and allowed her to run for public office. The same country now she seems to trash at every chance she can, along with our only real ally in the Middle East, Israel. One thing is for sure, her life here is much better than it would be in Somalia.

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