Cryonics? Have to wonder, why would you do it.

Cryo chamber

I thought the Cryoincs was a fad that faded out in the 70s, 80s guess I was wrong. What is Cryonics? Cryonics is defined by The Cryonics Institute as: Cryonics is a technique intended to hopefully save lives and greatly extend lifespan. It involves cooling legally-dead people to liquid nitrogen temperature where physical decay essentially stops, in the hope that future scientific procedures will someday revive them and restore them to youth and good health. A person held in such a state is said to be a “cryopreserved patient”, because we do not regard the cryopreserved person as being inevitably “dead”.

Why would someone does this? Well, a lot of people have a fear of death, others would like to be revived to see what the world looks like in the future. The reasons are endless. Would you really want to be revived knowing that all your loved ones and every single person you have ever know is long gone, unless of course your family and friends are doing the same thing. I guess you could stick in a clause that everyone be revived at the same time if science cured all the conditions that brought on death in the first place.

From the reading I have done, it looks like for it to be “effective” you need to have a team of people ready to cool the body down right away, especially the head. Once the person is transported to the cryo facility that they have chosen, a team will remove the blood and inject CryoProtectant Agents (CPAs, substances that prevent ice formation). The person is then basically placed in a cooling unit that will drop the temperature to -196c (yikes that is cold) which takes a few days. That’s some serious freezing.

I guess my question is, what happens if the company that you have paid money to go bankrupt? What happens when the funding runs out? A few sites I looked at have a donation button, which is fine but again how can they possibly sustain themselves without tens of thousands of people signing up for this type of….experiment. I call it an experiment because there has not been one case of someone being back from the deep freeze. How do they know it’s even possible? Cryonics Institute states it may be possible in the future because: “Many biological specimens have been cryopreserved, stored at liquid nitrogen temperature where all decay ceases, and revived; these include whole insects, vinegar eels, many types of human tissue including brain tissue, human embryos which have later grown into healthy children, and a few small mammalian organs. Increasingly more cells, organs and tissues are being reversibly cryopreserved.

Well I have to say the idea is interesting, however I think I am going to pass. The cost of such a procedure is around $30,000 plus monthly fees etc. It is not the money that concerns me, what concerns me is that if my dumbass did something like this, I would be revived for something like….Aliens are invading and we need more people to fight, which means I will die really fast anyways and this whole thing will be for nothing or aliens already took over and they need more food, guess I would be a frozen meal 😏.

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