Sha’Carri Richardson tests positive for marijuana.

ShaCarri Richardson

Olympic sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson tested positive for marijuana earlier last month and has been suspended from competing in the Tokyo Olympics it looks like. The extremely fast sprinter admitted to smoking marijuana after finding out her mother had passed away and used it as a coping mechanism.

Ms. Richardson owned what she did taking full responsibility for her actions and accepted the 30 day suspension for her misstep. She is quoted as saying “I want to take responsibility for my actions,” she added. “I’m not looking for an excuse.” “I would like to say to my fans and my family and my sponsorship, to the haters, too, I apologize,” she said. “As much as I’m disappointed, I know that when I step on that track, I don’t represent myself, I represent a community that has shown me great support, great love.”

Ms. Richardson states “This is just one Games. I’m 21, I’m very young. … I have plenty of Games left in me to compete in and I have plenty of talent that backs me up, because everything I do comes from me naturally. No steroid, no anything,” she said. “This incident was about marijuana, so after my sanction is up I’ll be back and able to compete, and every single time I step on the track I’ll be ready for whatever anti-doping agency to come and get what it is that they need.” I for one believe that she will come back stronger than she already is and do great things for the sport and wish her nothing but success and prosperity.

It is rare to see someone take responsibility for their actions. Again, she stepped up and owns it without making any excuses as she mentioned she knew the rules and can only blame herself. Of course there are those out there that are trying to make the claim that this suspension is nothing but racism. Seth Rogan claims that her suspension is nothing but racism from Team USA.

Really Mr. Rogan, are you that desperate for attention that you have to make a claim like that and try and start a shitstorm in an already tense country? Grow up fuck chops. You look like a fool claiming racism after she took responsibility. Are you trying to look like you actually care about racism in this country and that you are “part of the movement”. Really stupid faux outrage all in the name of garnering attention for yourself. Hell, even President Biden stated when asked about the suspension, “The rules are the rules and everybody knows what the rules were going in. Whether they should remain that way is a different issue. But the rules are rules, I was really proud of the way she responded.”

Look I understand both sides, she knew the rules, broke them and needs to be penalized for breaking them. On the other hand I do think the rules need to be looked at again as marijuana is anything but performance enhancing, if anything I think it would hurt your performance. With marijuana becoming legal in so many states and around the world maybe it is time for the United States Anti-Doping Agency and World Anti-Doping Agency to revamp the rules of competition concerning marijuana. I for one hope there is a way for Ms. Richardson to get back on the team in time for the Olympics in Tokyo.

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