What’s with the Job Search and Interviews?

Job Search with binoculars

In this day and age of the high unemployment rate and people looking for work. What is it with companies that seem to drag out the interview/hiring process for weeks and sometimes months. You would think with all the technology available it could be accomplished with a week or two. Another thing, what is with the insane questions that some interviewers ask?

Today it seems looking for a job is harder than it used to be. With so many people out of work and looking for jobs one would think there are there 100s if not 1000s of people applying for the same job? Who knows, maybe there are or at least you would think so the way some companies drag out the interviewing process. Long gone are the days where companies would usually conduct one or two interviews. Now it seems it has grown to 4 or more, hell a friend of mine applied for a job and had 3 phone interviews over a few weeks, then had to do a four 1hr video chats, 2 of the video chats had 2 people on them. Is this the new norm when it comes to seeking a job?

The insane questions that some interviewers ask is unreal. ex: Which Star Wars or Marvel character do most closely relate to? What can you produce for us that we can use without hiring you? What are your thoughts about pineapple on pizza? If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out? I do understand that some ridiculous questions are meant to make you think quick on your feet but come on. Stick to relevant questions that actually have to do with the job.

I guess the one thing that I see that really hurts job seekers emotionally, is you go through the dog and pony show of several interviews over several weeks, get to the end of the ridiculously long process to not get the job. That kind of rejection over and over really weighs on the psyche of job seekers. Companies really need to stop this kind of practice, you would think if a company really needs to fill a position fast they would not draw it out over several weeks with several people. One last thing, having the common fucking courtesy to at least tell jobs seekers that they did not get the job and stop ghosting them, not professional at all.

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