Biden’s Iran Nuclear Deal

Biden’s Iran Nuclear Deal is being put together while America is focused on the Ukraine/Russia war. Despite the lack of integrity from the Iranian govt President Biden seems determined to get this deal done.

The Iran nuclear deal was originally brokered under then President Obama in 2015. Under the original deal, Iran would have to submit to “most intrusive inspections the world had ever known”. Of course the Iranians were less than forthcoming. Mossad found the evidence Iran was cheating — a secret nuclear weapons archive that the mullahs kept hidden before, during and after negotiating the Iran deal. That archive led inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, to at least four previously unknown sites inside Iran. At three of them, the inspectors found traces of uranium.

Why is this deal worse than 2015

Do we really want Iran to have this?

This deal is worse than the original, looks who is brokering it…..RUSSIA. Really, Biden is going to work with Russia on this deal even though they have invaded a sovereign nation & have no I mean NO integrity. I have to wonder what is in it for Biden and his minions? How much money are Biden’s buddies going to make off of this deal? You know they will.

From NY POST: The new deal takes Moscow’s side — flouting the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, lifting sanctions and legitimizing Iran’s nuclear program without first demanding a full accounting of previous and current violations. Put simply, it is an agreement knowingly built on deceit that will encourage other authoritarian regimes to violate their international commitments.

What is to come

With Biden’s Iran Nuclear Deal seeming to almost be done what will happen? The world will soon have a nuclear capable Iran. Russia will certainly get a kickback from Iran for brokering and getting this deal done. I can only hope that Israel will not let it happen as they seem to be the only ones that have the most to loose if Iran becomes nuclear capable.

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