What is Putin’s end game?

Vladimir Putin w/Soviet Union background

What is Putin’s end game? Why is Putin using inflammatory statements as his forces continue their attack in the Ukraine? Is the Soviet Union on a path to return to spark fear in the world once again. Let’s hope not. However that is what it seems like Putin is trying to do.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has making some very aggressive statements to his neighbors in Finland and Sweden. Threatening political and military action if they pursue joining NATO. Also his statement to the world about not interfering with his invasion of the Ukraine:

“Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events from the outside,” Putin said. Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never experienced in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope that I will be heard.”

Putin Statement on invasion of the Ukraine.

Return of the Soviet Union

It seems to me and of course this is just my opinion, that Putin feels Russia is not the powerhouse of a world power it used to be. With all the breakaway countries from the former Soviet Union, Russia is not the big boy in Europe anymore. Putin being a former KGB agent, it must have crushed him when the Soviet Union collapsed. Some countries around the world do think this is what Putin is trying to do.

Look at what Putin has done to his own citizens. A very aggressive crackdown on anti-war protestors. Just recently he imposed new laws imposing a prison sentence of up to 15 years if Russian media strays from the state narrative of the Ukraine war. This is reminiscent of the former Soviet Union. The world sees the lies coming out of Russia just like the former Soviet Union.

We can only hope that Putin comes to senses and stops this aggressive expansion of Russia or that his military deposes him or even better the citizens rise up to fight his oppression.

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