Ketanji Brown Jackson’s SCOTUS Nomination

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s SCOTUS nomination. We all know by now who President Biden chose for his Supreme Court Nominee. Is she the right choice?

The Supreme Court nomination hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson have begun this week. So far things are remaining respectful from the Republicans which is a stark contrast to how the last 2 nominees were treated by Democrats.

Tough questions from Republicans

Judge Jackson was rigorously questioned by Republicans on passing down light sentences to some sex offenders despite the recommendation of the prosecutors. Also asked was her stance on Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. Judge Jackson said she has

“never used it” and it’s not part of her work as a judge.

Response to Sen. Cruz’s question of if she backs CRT.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., accused Jackson of twisting the law and cutting a criminal sentence “because you were sympathetic to a fentanyl drug kingpin.” Jackson said she “respectfully” disagrees. (From Fox News)

Tone of the hearings

The overall tone of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s SCOTUS nomination is tough but respectful. Hopefully Republicans can stay civil and not turn the nomination hearings into a inquisition like Democrats did to nominees (Currently sitting SCOTUS Judges) Kavanaugh and Barrett. It was really disgraceful how they were treated. Not to mention how Judge Clarence Thomas was treated, what a shit show that was.

Why Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was chosen

President Biden made it very clear what type of person he was going to nominate for the Supreme Court. His only consideration was to choose a Black Female, that’s it. No one else was going to be considered. Americans can see that he is only pandering to his far left liberal base of voters. Also trying to draw in more Black Americans voters (a demographic he & Democrats have been slowly loosing over the past few years) for fear of Democrats loosing the Midterm Elections in November.

Biden’s chance to make a historic nomination was wrecked when he voiced what type of person would be chosen. He could have just kept his blow hole closed and made his choice without all the grand standing, again trying to garner votes for the Midterms. He blew it for sure. Now people are going to have that little piece of their brain saying “is she really qualified”. Judge Brown may very well be qualified but people will always have a little bit of doubt given the way she was chosen.

We shall all see how this plays out. Again I hope the Republicans stay civil while the hearings continue. It would be a political disaster IMO if they start getting nasty with Judge Brown.

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