Oscars keep nosediving into obscurity.

So long Oscars as the keep nosediving

The Oscars keep nosediving to obscurity. The liberal Hollywood elite institution is desperately trying to stay relevant and had gone full on woke.

No longer are movies and actors submitted for the industry’s highest award. Starting in 2024 film producers and directors will be required to submit papers that includes race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status of their film’s cast and crew members.

Academy Aperture 2025

RIP Oscars, you had a good run.

This new requirement starting in 2024 is nothing more than a joke. Basically if you want your film to be considered for Best Picture, you better have the most diverse crew ever. Gone is the requirement that the film should be….well good. So I guess if a film is considered to be the greatest film of the year by critics and audience members it can’t be considered for Best Picture since the crew was not diverse enough. My favorite part:

“Unconscious bias training will be mandatory for all Academy governors, branch executive committee members and Academy staff on an annual basis.”

Rule for Academy Staff

What will become of the Hollywood Mainstream

One thing I have to say, Hollywood has been struggling with making good/original films and I predict will continue to do so. The Liberal Elite try to rehash old films with an “updated look” or many have jumped into the sequel arena. As far as I can tell mainstream liberal Hollywood is becoming a thing of the past. With all the streaming services out there making their own content, some of it original ideas, mainstream Hollywood is going to have a hard time keeping up. Already we are seeing movies, shows etc getting nominated from the streaming services. Yes some of these Liberal Elite actors are showing up on them as well. Just goes to show you that even Liberal Elites will go where the money is. Just don’t forget, they continue to make you feel bad about having money and continue to tell us to change the world in the most hypocritical manner possible. You know, like flying to a climate summit in personal jets or preach climate change while they sail around on superyachts.

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