Talk of Nuclear Weapons use

Nuclear Explosion

Why do the leaders of the world’s largest arsenal continue to talk of Nuclear Weapons use? What is the point?

Vladimir Putin has talked about it in regards to the West’s assistance to the Ukraine and President Biden has not ruled it out either. Has the conflict in the Ukraine brought out the macho attitude world leaders feel they need to portray? Why in the world would talk of the use of nuclear weapons even come up. Have they forgotten that if one goes off, then we as a planet are fucked!!! Why in the world would this option even be considered.

I grew up at the height of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation was very real. The threat was so real that protests continued throughout the 1960s through the mid 1990s. People were very afraid including myself. I tried not to think about it much as I wanted to live life to the fullest as a child.

Here we go again

With the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia, more an more the talk about the “Nuclear Option” keeps showing up in the news. Vladimir Putin has stated that the threshold for Russian use of nuclear weapons would be “threats to our country.” Is Putin the only one who decides what a “threat to our country” is? Does he considered all the sanctions levied against Russia as a threat to Russia? We have to remember that Putin is a product of the Cold War, he was after all a KGB agent during this period of time.

Now we have our own inept President saying we should not worry about Nuclear War. This coming from the politician who has gotten wrong almost every foreign policy decision in 40+ years. With Biden’s comments calling Putin a “War Criminal” and “Butcher” does anyone really think this will make Russia back off? I do not think so. It’s only going to piss them off.

I really think President Biden determined to restart the Cold War. Of course Putin plays a part in it as well but remember who is at the helm on the West’s side. The one who cannot seem to get any foreign policy decision right.

One thought on “Talk of Nuclear Weapons use

  1. Very good points. Well said. When you go to a fight, you come with the biggest weapon. You don’t go to a knife fight with a knife. I too grew up during the Cold War when Nikita Khrushchev pounded his shoe on the desk at the United Nations. That’s when I realized how crazy the Russians are. According to CNBC America has 6,550 nukes & Russia has 6,800. That’s not counting China, N. Korea, France, United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, & Israel. More than enough to destroy the world. The leaders of the world are putting us in another Cold War. In a time when we need strong leadership we have a has been as president, & a psychopath running Russia. Biden went to the Polish-Ukrainian border, but will not go to our southern border to witness our invasion of illegals & protect it. The scary thing is biden is talking about a new world order in ten or twelve years. The definition of which he hasn’t explained to us yet. During the 50s & 60s Cold War, as you know, we had drills in school & had to hide under our desks. Thinking back to those days, I don’t think our desks were going to help us much in a nuclear war. We are at this critical point in our history because we let a liberal party steel the 2020 election. “Let’s Go Brandon”

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