Tennessee expels Democrats

TN Reps during protest at TN Capital

Tennessee expels Democrats for their role in the protests at the TN Capital building. Was this a good idea or will it hurt the GOP? Reps. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson were voted out in an extremely controversial move that is almost unheard of.

Reason for expulsion

Two Democratic state representatives were voted out of office for their participation in student protests about gun violence and gun control. As students forced their way into the TN State Capital the representatives joined the student and Rep Jones was even using a bullhorn to get th message out. Initially, there were three representatives on the chopping block. Rep. Gloria Johnson was able to keep her seat by one vote. Rep Johnson made the statement as to why she was spared; “I am a 60-year-old White woman, and they are two young Black men,”. This set off a firestorm among the media and Democrats (which are one and the same).

Was expulsion justified

The big question is whether it was justified. Was it a good idea? I am going to go out on a limb and say it was not a good idea politically. At most, they should have been censured, or removed from committee assignments. Removing them was a very bad idea. Now the Democrats have another talking point to exploit. With Republicans holding onto a small majority in the House of Representatives this will not help their election chances in 2024. In my opinion, it really makes Republicans look authoritarian.

Conservatives have been voicing their concern over what the current administration has been doing, overstepping their authority, etc. Now it appears the TN House has done just the same. Regardless of how you feel about it, now everyone should worry. What will happen now in states with a Democratic majority? They will be more inclined to remove Republican members if they commit “a crime” in their eyes. Now they have precedent to fall back on to wave off any displeasure if they do remove Republicans. The removal of the two black representatives and not the white representative only makes the Democrat/Liberal argument that Republicans are racists even stronger.

2024 Elections

Tennessee expels Democrats will most certainly be a talking point in 2024. This type of tactic of removing Representatives from a state house is just another example of shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans control the U.S. House of Representatives but do not seem to be doing too much. All I have seen is how it seems they are taking revenge on Democrats. For all the nonsense they have been doing over the past few years. Republicans need to get their act together and get some meaningful legislation on the floor or lose their majority in 2024.

I’m interested to hear your thoughts. Drop a comment below and express how you feel about all this.

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