13 million new jobs created they say

President Biden

Eighteen million new jobs created they say. That is what the Biden administration is saying. Are there really 13 million new jobs, though? The key word in the phrase that Biden and team like to pound their chests about is “created.”

Now is that number representative of 13 million Americans actually getting back to work as of today in new jobs? I have searched around and cannot seem to get a straight answer. One has to wonder if the term “created” means that the govt has future projects planned and is counting those projects and projected jobs created for the project in the job numbers they are so proud of.

13 million jobs created

Dark Brandon 13 million new jobs created

The cynic in me says this 13 million jobs “created” is just a bunch of bullshit. I have watched on social media and the news the Democrats walking around like President Biden is the angelic archangel America has needed for so long. It’s really comical to me. This “Dark Brandon” persona created by…who friggen knows, has the comical of the Airplane movies. Dark Brandon has to be the most inept “Villian” there is. That is how seriously I take this media campaign of theirs. Everyone has been calling them out on these bullshit numbers. Democrats certainly have their act together when it comes to getting a message out. They have managed to pull together, especially with their social media influencers. It’s been nothing short of a relentless campaign. The worst part is that people are buying it.

Now it’s 4 million jobs

In a recent Twitter post, the Dems are now claiming ALL the jobs from the pandemic plus 4 million jobs “created.” So what is it, they claimed it was 13 million, but now it’s 4?!?!?! I understand changing numbers as more data becomes available, but this is a HUGE difference. They created 13m jobs; now it’s 4m. I just had to write that again and say it out loud. Unbelievable what they have been trying to take credit for and grossly overstating job numbers. Again I cannot believe anything that comes out of their hypocritical sewers.

13 million new jobs created they say, is how it began, now looks like 4 million. I am interested to see if those numbers keep falling.

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